Free swimming sessions were enjoyed by Dorset kids this summer at Dorchester Sports Centre

MORE than 1300 free swimming sessions were snapped up by youngsters at Dorchester Sports Centre during the school summer holidays thanks to Dorset Council funding.
Young people enjoyed free swimming over the six-week period as part of funding provided by Dorset Council to help families enjoy this fun and healthy activity over the summer, and ease the rising financial pressure on families.
Between July and August all children aged16 and under were able to attend Dorchester Sports Centre for free casual swimming sessions. In addition to this, over 1700 children who attend the learn to swim programme at Dorchester Sports Centre get free casual swimming as part of their membership.
Over the summer Dorchester Sports Centre had over 10,000 attendances in the pool, up 25% on last year. With over 1300 of those being children who accessed the centre for free as part of the Councils free summer swim offer.
Caroline Goode – General Manager for 1610 said ‘It’s been great to see so many families and young people enjoy swimming together over the summer. The funding provided by Dorset Council enabled us to offer an activity that we know keeps children fit and active over the summer and provide a fun family activity with minimal cost”.
“We all know how good swimming is for both our physical and mental health, and so it was fantastic to see so many families take advantage of the offer, and be able to return multiple times over the holidays.”
Cllr Andrew Parry, Dorset Council Portfolio Holder for Children, Education and Early Help said: “It was wonderful to be able to enable families to have extra fun in the water without added pressure on their finances. In a coastal county, the importance of improving water confidence and skills cannot be understated and we are grateful to all the leisure centres who got involved to make this such a success.”
For more information on Dorchester Sports Centre visit
Dorchester Sports Centre • 1610
Notes for Editors: 1610 is a non-profit making leisure trust (formerly Somerset Leisure) which manages leisure facilities across Somerset, Devon and Dorset. 1610 aims to help people live fuller, richer lives through having an active body and an active mind.
For more information about 1610 or you require further information associated with this press release contact Rebecca Sawtell at or 07808767468